UPDATED July 27, 2023
Located in Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Please view the "Available Geckos" page to see what is available!
By purchasing an animal from The Gecko Garden, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions listed below:
--> I accept payments by e-transfer or cash upon pick up. If e-transfer is the method of payment a screenshot will be sent to you for proof that I have received payment(s).
--> An animal can be put on hold with a 50% deposit, with the remainder due prior to pick up.
--> Payment plans are not available at this time unless otherwise stated.
--> Shipping is not currently offered
--> I am not responsible for tail loss while a gecko is on hold. Tail loss is out of my control, and no refund will be issued.
--> Animals sold as Male or Female are guaranteed to be those sexes. Animals sold as Possible Male or Female are not guaranteed.
--> If you change your mind on an animal with a deposit or fully paid for, I will not refund you. You forfeit the animal and the amount paid.
--> Payments on held animals are NON TRANSFERABLE.
--> All sales are FINAL. No refunds or transfers.
--> We will agree on a time for you to come and pick your animal up.
--> Send a message when you arrive at my home, and I will bring the animal out to you.
--> Your animal must be FULLY PAID FOR before I bring it out for you!
--> If you show up at my house and then send an e-transfer, you will be waiting until it shows up in my account before I bring the animal out. You can pay cash on arrival
--> I have the right to refuse any sale to anyone.
-->I may ask you to provide proof of proper enclosure and husbandry at any time prior to a sale, and if you are unable to satisfy my requirements I will not sell you an animal.